Opening new frontiers in brain tumor research
Our goal is to better understand molecular and genetic pathogenesis of gliomas and ultimately develop improved therapeutics for these deadly tumors.
The Fine laboratory has an expressed mission to develop better therapies for children and adults with primary and secondary brain tumors of all types. The most effective and meaningful of those treatments are yet to be developed and our continued research efforts are to develop noble therapies through a better understanding of biology, pathogenesis, and genomics. Our lab is a 2017 recipient of the NIH Directors Pioneer Award, and is a rapidly growing program/laboratory benefitting from exceptional resources, scientific freedom and extraordinary local environment of world-renowned cancer biologists.
The Lab Team
The Fine laboratory allows outstanding exposure to and potential involvement in all aspects of translational science and precision medicine while exploring basic mechanistic studies of tumorigenesis using a combination of molecular and computational biology approaches.
Our Research

Our largest and most rapidly growing area of interests are focused in the neuroscience of embryonic stem cell-derived cerebral organoids interfaced with tumor stem cell biology.